These rules are some of the rules we learnt about this term. Why they are needed and what they are!!
I am a Year 8 student at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 8 and my teacher is Miss Kyla.
Monday, 1 December 2014
Grammarnastics Reflection T414
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Venn Diagram: Camp T414
Monday, 3 November 2014
Construct: Word Webs T4W414
These are some Synonyms and Antonyms for the word "construct." Be sure to leave us some comments below!
C&M General Knowledge: Tanzania
This is Maopa and I's knowledge about Tanzania. What we would try to do, what we would eat and drink and more! Because you never know! Maybe one day, we might just travel there!
Thursday, 30 October 2014
E - waste Explanation
AllE - waste is a problem. But no one seems to care about it. I think that e - waste should be dealt with. It affects practically everyone. It’s just like vandalism. But, to people who once had no issue with the way they used to live, now they have to fix problems that not even anyone in their own country caused. It causes skin damages and food poisoning. Wasted ideas and designs and money issues. If you care about the planet like you say you do, then why are you letting this go on any longer than it should?
Sickness and skin problems like rashes, cuts, headaches and dizziness are caused by the toxic smoke which is released when the imported electrons from overseas are burnt. In cities like Ghana and Guiyu, when there are food markets, the toxic smoke and fumes spread right across the city, which poisons the food, which our friends from far away eat. The toxic smoke spreads across the city causing skin problems as I stated in the beginning of this paragraph.
E - waste could be a waste of time, money and design. Why would you want to design something so amazing, for it to be burnt? It takes ideas, time and designs to create something you think everyone will enjoy without complaining. It’s just like being a teacher. A teacher has to create tasks he or she knows their class will enjoy. Something like, iPhones, TV’s, laptops, computers and many more devices which have been upgraded from the first design to the one now. A message I really want to get out into the world is “IF YOU MADE IT, YOU DEAL WITH IT!” Simple!
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Digital Footprint Flowchart C&M
Do you think before you post something online? Is it the truth? Will it hurt anyone? Do you think it would make you proud if this post went 'viral'? Think twice before you post!
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
C&M General Knowledge T4W314
Friday, 24 October 2014
My Tessellation,
This is my Tessellation. I used a mixture of diamonds which are black, triangles which are yellow, and the blue are shapes of the letter "x" but filled in with blue.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Monday, 20 October 2014
E - Waste and our Environment!!
This is my note taking sheet I completed today about the e - waste in our world. It is not a good sight when you actually study it as our class has done today. You made it, you deal with it! NO BIG DEAL!
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
BE CYBERSMART!! These are lists of what sites need age restriction and what sites don't. Be safe online and take in this message!! Maopa and I completed this with ideas from our wonderful classroom! Be safe online people!!
Monday, 13 October 2014
C&Q Current Events
This is Quitah & I's current event, be sure to leave us some commenst below!
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
The Wonders of Fishing Practises: Information Report
The Wonders of Fishing Practises!
Do you want to learn more knowledge about the different types of fishing practises fishermen and locals use to catch kaimoana? Well, you have come to right place.
Dredging! Dredging is steel nets that are dragged across the ocean floor picking up or collecting scallops and oysters. Some fishermen forget that although dredging collects scallops and oysters. It also scrapes the ocean floor, which ruins marine habitats and releases all the silt which makes the water dirty. To stop this from happening, the net could be put on wheels which are still dragged through the water, but are not ruining the ocean floor.
Another fishing practise is Gillnetting. Gillnetting is a net which floats in the water with the help of floats and weights. The net can sink to the sea floor, or can float to the surface. The netting is almost invisible, so the creatures swim right into the trap. Salmon, sardines and cod are the main fish gill netting is supposed to catch. But, other fish like sea turtles and sharks can get tangled in the net and die. To stop this from happening, the net could be more visible so that when the wrong fish swims by, it could swim above, below or around the net! Click the link below for a short video about Gillnetting!
The next fishing practise is Trawling. Trawling is a big net being pulled through the water behind a boat or two. The net that is used for trawling is called “trawl.” Precious sea creatures like shrimp, shellfish, cod and many other sea creatures are caught by a trawl. A trawl has an open end and a closed end. The open end is the mouth and the closed end is the tail.

Long Lining! Long lining is a long line stretched through the water. On the longline is a net pattern which traps fish and other things. Longlining effects the sea process by accidentally catching things it wasn’t meant to catch. To stop this from happening, the person or people longlining could fish where there is more of what they are fishing for and less of what they aren’t fishing for.
The four fishing practises we chose to write about are common techniques, which were used long ago and today. Did you know that 82% of our planet love fishing, not just for the yummy food the catch, but for the fun that is made out of it!
General Knowledge T3W1014
WALT gain a greater general knowledge about the world!!
Spelling T3W1014
This is my weekly spelling task, we have to complete this and add it to the Self Management Doc!
WALT learn our spelling words!
WALT learn our spelling words!
Monday, 22 September 2014
This is my grammarnastics reflection for the term. Throughout this term, we have been learning the different ways to use punctuation!
How To Add A Fraction
This is the follow up task our group had to complete! Try it out some time!
Current Events T3W914
This is my current events. It is based on the National Party winning the 2014 Election. Be sure to leave me some comments below!
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Cyber Smart T3W914
Step up and be CyberSmart!
M&C General Knowledge T3W914
This is Maopa and I's General Knowledge about Philippines. Be sure to leave us some comments including FF and FB about our work!
The Wonders of Fishing Practises M&C
The Wonders of Fishing Practises!
Do you want to learn more knowledge about the different types of fishing practises fishermen and locals use to catch kaimoana? Well, you have come to right place.
Dredging! Dredging is steel nets that are dragged across the ocean floor picking up or collecting scallops and oysters. Some fishermen forget that although dredging collects scallops and oysters. It also scrapes the ocean floor, which ruins marine habitats and releases all the silt which makes the water dirty. To stop this from happening, the net could be put on wheels which are still dragged through the water, but are not ruining the ocean floor.
Another fishing practise is Gillnetting. Gillnetting is a net which floats in the water with the help of floats and weights. The net can sink to the sea floor, or can float to the surface. The netting is almost invisible, so the creatures swim right into the trap. Salmon, sardines and cod are the main fish gill netting is supposed to catch. But, other fish like sea turtles and sharks can get tangled in the net and die. To stop this from happening, the net could be more visible so that when the wrong fish swims by, it could swim above, below or around the net! Click the link below for a short video about Gillnetting!
The next fishing practise is Trawling. Trawling is a big net being pulled through the water behind a boat or two. The net that is used for trawling is called “trawl.” Precious sea creatures like shrimp, shellfish, cod and many other sea creatures are caught by a trawl. A trawl has an open end and a closed end. The open end is the mouth and the closed end is the tail.

Long Lining! Long lining is a long line stretched through the water. On the longline is a net pattern which traps fish and other things. Longlining effects the sea process by accidentally catching things it wasn’t meant to catch. To stop this from happening, the person or people longlining could fish where there is more of what they are fishing for and less of what they aren’t fishing for.
The four fishing practises we chose to write about are common techniques, which were used long ago and today. Did you know that 82% of our planet love fishing, not just for the yummy food the catch, but for the fun that is made out of it!
Me, the Analyser T3W914
This is Me, the Analyser task I did about Eminem suing the National Party for using his single "Lose Yourself" to read this article go to
Monday, 25 August 2014
General Knowledge: Niue
This is my General Knowledge Reading task I just completed. The country we had to do is Niue. The capital of this country, the leaders and more. Leave me some comments about your wonders of my post/s, or questions. Thanks!!
Friday, 22 August 2014
Monday, 11 August 2014
Blog Commenting!
This task is all about posting comments on other peoples blogs to either help them or make them feel proud of their work! You could do the same by commenting on this post or any post of mine! Thanks!
Description Plan
Description Plan about the Ocean!
Me, the Analyser!
Me, the Analyser is a reading task we are all required to complete. To complete this task, we have to analyse a article of our choice. I chose the article "Call To Just Drink Water At Mealtimes!" For more information, read the article at or read my work! Thanks!
Friday, 8 August 2014
Spelling T3W3
WALT learnw our spelling words off by heart!
Student Lead Maths
Student Lead Study is a task we have to do to see if we can complete a task then add it to this presentation. Shoot me some comments below!
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Staying Smart with my Mobile Phone!
"Being Cybersmart is just as easy as one, two, three. All you have to do is memorise three things you could do to be cybersmart and you'll be more cybersmart than anyone! Be sure to shoot me a few comments in the comment section below! Sweet!"
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
Monday, 4 August 2014
Xtra Maths
The skill I practised for this task was addition. Recording my basic facts under three seconds. These are the results:
Addition Triangle
The skill I practised in this task was once again, addition. I had to add two numbers beside each other. For example, 7 + 5 = 12, 5 + 9 = 14 and so on.
Equivalent Fraction Bingo
This game is called Equivalent Fractions Bingo! What I had to do in this math game was pair the correct fraction with an equivalent fraction.
Gone Bananas
This is a game called Gone Bananas. I had to answer 10 or more equations in the five times table in order to move to the next level.
Xtra Maths
This is my Xtra Maths results. The equations with the smiley faces on it is the questions I got right and under three seconds.
Friday, 1 August 2014
Collaboration! Collaboration! Collaboration!
Collaboration! Collaboration! Collaboration!
By: Caprice Tokoa
I strongly believe that working in a group or with someone other than yourself, is the best way to learn and stay focused during learning time in class and so should YOU!
Firstly, have you ever wondered what the best way to learn could be?
Well, if so, this piece of writing will persuade you to think that working collaboratively is the best way to learn. Why do you ask?
Well, working as a group means, more brains. More brains means, more work and more work means, a happy group and teacher. You get work done faster than independently. You find it easier to explain who’s writing or doing what and so on. Working collaboratively is the best way to learn from my perspective.
Secondly, if you are thinking that working independently is the best way for yourself to learn. Then that is what you think, but personally, I think that working in a group or with someone other than yourself could help you, and whoever you are working with gain more knowledge by sharing your prior knowledge. Always listen to theirs, because you never know, one day you might not be listening to the teacher during class and you might think, “Oh? What does this mean?” Who will be there to answer that question, no one because you were working independently(unless you asked someone around you that is).
Finally, in my opinion, I believe that working collaboratively could help you achieve more things during your school life. Working with more than one person allows you to create a much stronger, and positive relationship with others, not just those who you are always partnered up with. Just by reading this, my only question for you is, what would be your choice? Would you prefer working independently or with more than one person?
I hope that this has slightly changed your mind about collaborative working!!
Spelling T1W2
My spelling tasks. I chose "Against The Clock" and "Syllabification" Please leave me some comment in the section below!
Blog Commenting
This is my blog commenting I completed throughout our reading session. Be sure to shoot a comment or few below!
Monday, 28 July 2014
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Waimahia Intermediate!
Last week on Thursday, I started a new school. This is a school In Manurewa, it's called Waimahia Intermediate. I needed a new start and it began here. I am living with my aunty on my dads side. I hope everyone is doing well at TPS. No matter what, you's will always be my family. Although, I do know some people do not feel that way for me. I will always cherish the years I spent at TPS, right from when i first started until now! Waimahia Intermediate, is a good school, but I know that it'll never beat TPS!! My closest friends Malia, Leigh-Amber, MAOPA, HARMONY, and many many others, especially my good friend MAVIS! I'm going to miss all of yous so much. I hope all is well for everyone and their futures, have fun this year, Year 8's, listen to your teachers. Be a good, responsible role model for your younger ones, and to all those teahcers who have had to put up with me for 5 years, thankyou for all the sacrifices you made me me and our TPS students, thankyou for always being here for me when I needed it at most time, thankyou for believing in me and celebrating with not only me but my brothers. Thankyou for maing me the person I am today! I will never forget all the things yous all did for me! Thankyou for putting education in me and helping me when I needed help. Loves yous all even the annoying ones! Goodluck for your guys journey in life, I hope one day we will all meet again, but until that day, goodbye. Not forever, but until nextime!! Lots of love and mana :) Caprice xo
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Inquiry Presentations Reflection
Our group is the ‘Reasons Group’. The members are Taylor, Caprice, Tanisslous, Niko, Danisha and Willy. Our group answered questions like how and why WW1 and 2 began. We used a lot of websites to help us answer our questions. Hard work and effort was put into this!
As a whole group, we agreed that we needed to improve on making it original, using a range of different media types, and having the confidence to speak what we researched with pride. But, if I was to improve something independently, it would have to be the way it was presented. For example, making it engaging and worthwhile to watch and listen to.
From another group Weapons 1, I learnt that the machine gun was the best weapon to be used in war even though 4-6 men had to control it. This is because it was easy to target soldiers. From the same group, I also learnt that the Disappearing Gun was hard to spot from the sea and was hard to target.
This is my Inquiry Presentations Reflection I completed for this term. Be sure to eave me some comments about my work including FF and FB.
De Bono's 6 Thinking Hats.
This is our 6 Thinking Hats Presentation which myself and a friend Maopa completed. Be sure to leave us some commets below including FF and FB about my work.
Inquiry Group Presentations Term One 2014
This is our group Inquiry Presentations for this term. Be sure to leave me some comments below including FF and FB!
PMIS Inquiry Reflection Unit 2014
This is my PMIS Chart reflecting on our Inquiry Unit this term. Be sure to leave me some comments below including FF and FB!
Monday, 7 April 2014
Term 2 Goals 2014
These are my Goals for next Term, Term 2. I hope you enjoyed reading them! Be sure to leave me some fantastic comments including FF(feed forward) and FB(feed back) on my work!
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
Alphabetical Order
Can you guess what the word is? Write it in the comments below:
You do this when you come across a word you do not know, or understand, first you .....
Hint: It begins with "R"
Against The Clock
Against The Clock: Word: Renew: 60
CyberBullying is Not Nessasary
Is CyberBullying really nessasary? Do you think your victim is happy right now? It's not fair. So why so it? So, stop now and save a life or make something out of yourself. Be sure to leave me some comments including FF and FB.
Ordering Fractions T1W10
This is my Ordering Fractions for this week. Be sure to leave me some comments including FF and FB on my work.
Balloon Pop Fractions Game
Here is my high score for my first time playing Balloon Pop!
Be sure to leave me some comments, or you could maybe try this game. It is called Balloon Pop. Search it up on Google and you'll find the URL.
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Multiplication Wheels T1W9
This is my Muliplication Wheels Maths task I completed for Maths this morning. Be sure to leave me some comments including FF and FB!
Friday, 21 March 2014
Caprice: Spelling Week 8 Term One
This is my Spelling Practise Presentation with my new words for this week. Be sure to leave me some comments with some FF and FB! Also, come back next week to find out what my new set of words are!
Tamaki Primary Heads To North Head!
Tamaki Primary Heads To North Head!
Written By: Caprice Tokoa
“Tamaki Primary students all hover around the Disappearing Gun to take a school selfie! What a blast they had!”
Wednesday the 12 of March, 2014, students and teachers who attend Tamaki Primary School got to experience face to face, artifacts which were used in war. Multiple students described the trip as if they had never had fun before! Students and teachers travelled by bus, ferry and foot. Other students thought that it was like running up and down the stairs about 20 times!
Tamaki Primary students, teachers and some people from the public boarded the ferry and drove over the Waitemata Harbour, on the way to North Head! Year 7 student Maopa Tupouhia said “It was my first time ever on a boat and I loved every second of it! I really want to do this again!” After everyone calmed down and their hearts stopped beating a hundred times, it was time to hop off the ferry. Everyone got off the ferry and waved good bye to the drivers and the rest of the people that were still on the ferry. Malia pointed “I was scared to go on the ferry at first, but at the end of the day, I had so much fun and it was nice exploring North Head!” Everyone who attended the trip all got ready to set off for the long journey to North Head. Year 7 student from Room 8 Mehi Ake said “although it was tiring, the overall experience was amazing and it sure will help me with my work this term!” Everyone gathered together for the long, tiring, relevant walk. Kelly O'Rourke said, “Even though it was exhausting walking up the mountain, it was a good experience to explore North Head!”
They’ll be sure to do it again sometime!
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